Tuesday, February 28, 2012

weekend with Robin

- on Friday, we went to Maryann's Mexican restaurant. Jack ate chicken nuggets and fries, Kate ate a lot of chips and Frank lemonade. I think maybe she had a bite of cheese quesadilla that we foolishly, as usual, ordered for her. Went home and set up Robin's bed since she apparently had been up for 25 hours straight. Both kids immediately climbed into bed and curled up with her; Jack knew better but I think Kate actually thought she might get to stay. As proved by her dismay when we explained that no, Robin actually needed to sleep. She was well out when we came down from putting the kids to bed.

- On Saturday, Robin and Jack and I went to see the film Hugo. Based on a kids book but not really great for Jack I don't think. Kind of scary here and there and stuff about orphanages and cages and robots and the like. But Jack said he enjoyed it and seemed to, so OK. After, we went to Applebees for lunch. More chicken nuggets for jack and a fun activity menu and sports on TV. And a chocolatey dessert. In the bathroom Jack made a joke that was pretty funny but I can't remember it now. We had pizza for dinner and watched Jack's summer camp video.

- on Sunday we went to yet another movie and watched the Oscars. Robin read stories to the kids, books she'd given them. And we stayed up too late.

- Monday we dropped the kids off at schools and Robin didn't cry too much.

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