Saturday, June 23, 2012


Kate graduated from preschool yesterday; she'll start kindergarten in the fall. For 7 years we've been dropping a child off at daycare in the morning and picking him or her up in the afternoon; now they'll both be in school.

The teachers there have been part of first Jack's and then Kate's life for most of their lives; it's crazy to think we won't see them anymore.

We sent Kate off to school in the morning in a beautifully colorful dress. Took some pictures on our front lawn; she looked tall and confident.

Showed up that afternoon, with cameras and flowers. Took our seats for the ceremony, and the graduates marched in. I think a year ago she would have run over and clung to us or something, but today she just smiled proudly and took her seat. They sang songs they'd been practicing (she's been singing them around the house -- skinaramink, Mr. Sun, Gonna build me a house, etc.), did all the hand motions for the sun going up and Mr. Spider going down and all that.

When they called Kate's name to get her diploma she got a big smile on her face, stood up, and took it from Mr. Brendan. Held it up to show us, then ran over, hugged us, and looked beyond us for one of her friends. "Georgia! Look!!!"

We had cake and said goodbye to her teachers, goodbye to the Greenwich Y childcare center. I am excited and happy for Kate, and I already miss the little girl who went to daycare.

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