Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Sleepy Kate

Put Kate to bed tonight. She had stayed over at Grammy's last night and maybe stayed up a little late, so she was tired. I asked her what she did over there, and she answered in a sleepy, almost sing-song voice, with a little smile.

"We made cinnamon rolls with the milk on them," she said. The icing? "Yes. And my hands got all sticky."

What else did you do? "We played Life. But I didn't want to play for long. So then Stacey and I played with the baby--" (a doll) "--for about two minutes. And then we watched TV. And then we went to bed. And then Lyndsay came in, and her hair was so long! And it was so messy! But now it's fine!"

And then I kissed her goodnight.

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