Saturday, April 15, 2006


Jack says hi a lot. Pretty much all the time, except on three occasions. 1. When friends or acquaintances come into our home, or 2. When we go into theirs. Or 3. When we call a family member on the phone and give him the phone to say Hi to them. Then he is essentially silent. Stage fright, I guess.

But random strangers we pass on the street? "Hi!" A phone or cellphone that's turned off? "Hi!" The TV remote? "Hi!" People driving by while we're on our front porch? "Hi!"

Clearly, he's ambivalent about getting a response, or carrying on a conversation. Most of his "Hi's!" have little chance of being threatened by a reply. Oh, sometimes the person will hear it, laugh, and throw a "Hi!" back, but we're already 10 yards down the street and Jack has moved on to a new person to greet.

His greetings are short but sweet, kind of like him, and this blog entry.

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