Thursday, August 21, 2014


The Rehoboth Mass baseball tournament was coming up, so we were all trying to get ready. We had a great time at this tournament a year ago. But the morning we were supposed to leave, Jack felt like crap. There had been some flu and stuff going around, and as he was huddled in the car with fever and chills, we figured he had it.

But for everyone else it had been a 24 hours thing, and we had a hotel reservation. So Emily and I won Parents of the Year by packing Jack into the car and heading out on the 4 hour drive.

An hour in, Emily climbed into the back seat so Jack could put his head in her lap.

Two hours in, Jack tried eating some applesauce. And threw up. We got off the highway and pulled into a park and ride. Jack sat on the curb with his head in his hands while we cleaned up the car, and him.

After that, he was much better! He found a penny on the ground, which he happily called his lucky penny. He actually started singing in the car, I don't recall what.

We arrived, checked into our hotel, the rest of us ate, Jack seemed OK, we gave him some medicine. Suited up and headed to the game. It was clear, though, during warmups, that there was no chance. H tried to throw and chad no strength. Tried to move and looked pained. Approached us and one of the other coaches shook his head. He looks green, he said. Yeah.

After, at the hotel pool, his whole team was playing, and we were going to keep him out, but geez, he seemed OK and we just couldn't do it to him, make him sit and watch. Go get changed, I said, and he ran off, ran back, and had fun for the next couple hours. That's a large part of what Rehoboth is, and you know, he was fine.

Shared a bed that night, though, and he was awake a lot. Fever. Hot. So I kicked myself some.

But he got through the night, took more medicine the next day, and got through a game. First ball of the game hit to him in left, he didn't catch it, 2 runs ended up scoring. But then his first at-bat, down 3-0 with 2 on and 2 outs, he had a base hit that scored 2 runs and sparked us to tying it up. We won that game, won the next in dramatic fashion, ended up having a great tournament. And Jack was fine.

And slept a lot in the car on the way home.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


On Day 1 we drove 7 hours, with everyone grumpy because of the slowness and the traffic non stop, and then we stopped at McDonalds, ate and gassed up, and were relatively merry the final 3 hours, arriving just 10 minutes before the office where we had to pick up our rental keys closed for the day. Ten minutes later and we'd have had to find a hotel.

Day 2 the beach was just awesome. I got a little work done in the morning, felt a little better (have been battling something), and hit the beach. It was high tide, so there was very little beach, and the water was chilly. But we stuck it out, the water went down and got warmer, there was more beach. After lunch, suddenly, it was beautiful and we played in the water, found shells and rocks, and Kate spent I believe an hour and a half digging a hole in the beach so she would have a little pond to sit in. It was her thing, and I let her have it. Helped her some,,but I can only dig a pond next to the ocean for so long. She didn't mind. We ate fish tacos at Guapos and they were great. Jack ate a taco, Kate had some quesadilla. We got ice cream.

Day 3 we went to a bigger beach, arrived earlier, stayed much later, and had a great time. Jack met up with some other boys and a massive game of whiffle ball broke out. It was 2 on 2 when I left for lunch. It was probably 8 on 8 a couple hours later. When I pulled Jack away to eat his lunch, and we went out and rode some waves for a while, just bobbing like tops, I realized fully that all Jack needs to be happy is playing a game with a group of kids -- it's one of the things that makes him go.

"Wasn't that great, Dad? We were playing ball, and then they invited us over, and we were all playing ball!" I was still happy from the bobbing up and down in the waves, where it's just so peaceful,,and the waves so massive, that it was like we were alone in the world for those 5-10 minutes. But I said yeah, Jack, I know.

When Jack went back to finish his game, Kate and I took her boogie board out. I held it and she clambered on, then rode the waves out and back again, over and over. She's a little water bug; Jack likes the ocean but is plenty happy playing on the beach. Kate liked running back and forth into the waves, laughing and shrieking at the big ones.

We made a big sandcastle. They both helped, Kate amusingly bringing water even though every fifth wave reached us anyway. At one point she was about to pour the bucket when a wave washed over everything. We laughed and built again.

We met up with a college friend of Emily's and his kids, all 3 who were there were close in age. Kate happily played with one, digging holes together. Jack fidgeted until he could rejoin his game, but once that ended, he returned to make these new friends. They played in the frigid water together and ran around. After 7 hours on the beach we staggered home, ordered a pizza, and it was fantastic.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Birthday blog

Woke up at a reasonable hour, which was nice. Had coffee and pie for breakfast accompanied by great homemade cards.

Jack and I spent half an hour playing with his Snap Circuits electronics set. Saw something I'd written earlier about how much he liked that gift and wanted to get it back in rotation. Satisfying and fun.

Took the kids for a bike ride; I walked Riley alongside. It was nice; Kate has finally sort of mastered it, perhaps since she's so good riding her scooter these days, and Jack is very smooth. We went to the little playground and they rode around the tennis court while Riley ran around the baseball field. I watched, relaxed.

We came back, had lunch, turned on AC, watched a silly baseball movie. Kate at first wanted to watch something else, then got hooked. Our dog slept, we drank water and stayed cool on a hot day.

Dinner was eggs and toast, followed by a baseball game. Playoffs! Last year on my birthday, we lost our first playoff game. This was better. We won 7-3, Jack had a hit and a walk, there was little drama.

Afterward we got pizza and drank beer (not the kids), watched the Mets, ate ice cream. Kids sand happy birthday, hugged me good night. Wrote this blog. A nice day.