Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Belly of the Baby

One of the standard games we've played for a while with Jack is getting him to indentify body parts. "Where are Jack's eyes?" "Where is Daddy's nose?" "Where are Mommy's ears?" and so on and so forth. One that fascinates him of late is The Belly.

"Where is Jack's belly?" He'll drop whatever he's doing or holding and lift up his shirt so he can gaze down at his belly button. It's almost like he's surprised to see it there - raising his shirt and HEY! Look at that. It's Jack's belly!

The game has evolved to the point where Jack is amused, or intrigued, or otherwise insistent upon seeing OUR bellies, too. He'll walk purposefully up to me and grab at my shirt, so I'll raise it and say, "Yup, there's Daddy's belly." Jack accepts this information with great satisfaction, then will typically show his, and look for Mommy....This continues for a little while.

It is my fervent hope that he does not go to day care and walk around getting all of his little friends and adult teachers to show him their bellies, as well.

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