Thursday, February 15, 2007


It snowed yesterday, or rather, it snowed, and then it rained, which froze, and there was some ice and sleet and wind and so forth. Quite a mess. Today the sun was out so we dug our way out into the yard, Jack in his snowpants (borrowed from one of Aunt Taffy's kids, fortunately in blue) and jacket and boots and hat, me in my winter jacket and hat. Since what snow there was was under a thick crust, we really couldn't build a snowman or anything, but what we could do was get Jack on his sleigh and I could pull him around the yard. We went up a little slope and then he slid down; he enjoyed it quite a bit. "a-GEHN!" he said. We did that a few times, narrowly avoiding disaster when I was pushing him up and a runner caught in the snow and I fell head over heels over him and the sled. No harm done; I knocked one of his gloves off. Oh, and I bashed my face against the snow, but I realize nobody cares. "Are you okay?" I asked Jack, tears streaming through the ice stuck to my eyes and nose. He kind of shrugged, as if to say, did something happen?

Later on we were inside watching the "Mounties" episode of Backyardigans, which all takes place in the snow. Jack pointed at them and said "Like me!" And I said, yes. And he said, "They need a jacket." (The ski patrol outfits were kind of lightweight.) And he said, "It's very very cold outside." By the end of our time outside, his little face was kind of cold. And then there were players skating, and Jack said again, "Like me!" And I said, do you want to go outside again? And he said, "No......" and: "It's very cold outside." And so it was.

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