Saturday, January 05, 2008

Sweet Boy

When Jack wakes up in the morning, he heads into our room. Sometimes it's too early (before 6) and I put him back in bed over his protests and leave. Sometimes it's reasonable (after 6), but I'm still beat, so I go into his room, close his door, and let him play or read while I sleep in his bed. (The point is to keep him from waking Mommy and Kate up.) Sometimes he'll get in bed too for a bit, although he never goes back to sleep. Me either, I just sort of lie there and try to sleep or wake up, one of the two.

Tonight I put Jack in his bed and kissed him good night. He was lying on one side of the mattress, head on one side of the pillow. As I turned to go, he said:

"Daddy, there's a place for you to sleep in the morning."

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