Thursday, March 06, 2008

Jack Tales

Jack is into telling stories these days, and having us tell him stories. Tonight he told a bunch, we did too.

Mine are usually just from my past. "Once upon a time, Daddy had a job raking rocks outside a nice hotel...." "Daddy and Mommy had a dog named Max, and Max loved to run at the park, and we'd let him off his leash and he'd run down into the water, come out, shake all over, grin at us, and run back in..." Jack can't get enough of these stories: "FIVE more stories!" he says.

Jack's stories tend to be short and sweet. "Once upon a time, Jack drew a picture. And he showed it to Mommy, and Mommy said, Oh, Jack, that's a very nice picture. And I said Thank you. And then Jack drew a picture and showed it to Daddy. And Daddy said, Wow, Jack, that's a great picture. And I said, Oh! Thank you."

Tonight I told him, I dunno, five stories. The last one ended with "...and Jack went to bed. Good night, Jack."

1 comment:

robin said...

Once upon a time Aunt Robin jumped on the next plane to New York so she could hug her nephew and niece . . .