Thursday, August 21, 2008


I was putting Jack to bed last night, and he wanted to hear a story about superheroes battling monsters. It's a recurring theme. I started telling it ("The Superheroes heard about a group of monsters causing trouble, so they went out looking for them. They found them on the moon...."), and listed the various heroes: Spider-Man, the Hulk, Warlock, Batgirl, the Flash. And then Jack broke in, all excited, "And Sabby Soapy!" And I said, uh, who? And he said again, "Sabby Soapy...he's MY superhero."

So I said, well OK, tell me about him. And Jack said, "Well, he's fast. And he's got a scary mask, like " -- he put his fingers in circles over his eyes -- "like this. And he's got boots. And he does this:" Here, Jack punched the air in front of him, sort of like The Karate Kid or something. "And, and...he's got tiny feet." Here he nodded, knowingly, as if explaining something to a small child. "He kind of looks like a baby. He's sort of the baby superhero."

This morning, I asked Jack about him again. It appears that Sabby Soapy has acquired the same powers as the other superheroes. "He makes big webs, like THIS." (Jack waved his arms in the air.) "And he KICKS bad guys. And monsters."

I think Jack will like Calvin and Hobbes one day.

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