Sunday, May 31, 2009

scratch and sniff

Jack had this book with a scratch 'n' sniff skunk in it. He'd scratch it, we'd both lean forward and sniff it. I'd lean back, saying "Ewwwwww!" Jack did the same. Sometimes I'd mix it up: "Oh, that's not that bad at EWWWWWWWW!" which cracked Jack up, and then he'd do the same thing.

Kate was sitting there also, seeing us doing this, cracking up. So she started cracking up. And then she started doing it, but she didn't really get that it was the skunk making us go "EWWWW."

So she'd say "EWWWWW" and then lean forward so that her face touched the book. And then lean back. And we'd all crack up. Then she'd go "EWWWW" again, lean forward....

We did this for about 10 good minutes. Great minutes.

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