Thursday, January 07, 2010

"Ladybug RAAAHHHH!" and Jack's birthday

Emily got Kate some ladybug pajamas. Somewhere along the line, Kate got the idea that Ladybugs say "RAAAHHHHH!" like a dinosaur or something. So the other morning, she looks down at her pajamas, and says, "I'm ladybug --- RAAHHHHHH!" Cracked us all up.

Tonight, Jack puts on his Spider-man pajamas. "I'm Spider-man!" And he poses and jumps and pretends to shoot webs. Kate: "I'm ladybug -- Rahhhhhhhh!"

Today was Jack's birthday. He had honey nut cheerios for breakfast, plus raspberries on the side. Arguably his two favorite breakfast things. Went to school, and I spent some time out buying balloons and the like. He came back to decorations, which he immediately wanted to walk around holding. He cut the string on a balloon I'd tied to a chair, then couldn't reach it anymore. I helped.

Hot dogs and fritos for dinner. Cake for dessert. We'll have more cake the next few days.

He made me laugh when I was putting him to bed. We were reading the shark book, which has big pictures of shark, and he'd taken the top of his "gel cling" Christmas tree off his wall. It was a little green triangle with a red circle in the middle (ornament). I said, what are you doing with that? He said, "I want to give the sharks scary eyes. See?" And he placed the triangle over the Great White Shark's eye, giving him a red eye. "Scary eye." And I laughed, and said, you're right, that's pretty scary. He put it over the Hammerhead Shark. "It's scaarrrrryyyyy," he said, dragging it out for effect. I laughed more.

Then he turned the triangle upside down. "Now it's SAD eye," he said. "See? The pointy part is like a tear coming down. Saddddd eye." It was pretty funny.

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