Friday, December 30, 2011

Ice Skating

Took the kids ice skating today. Almost didn't because Emily was tired and Kate was whining about something or other, but Emily rallied and Kate suddenly decided she wanted to go too, and there we were. We grabbed the bike helmets and extra padding for Daddy's butt and we were off to Playland's ice rink.

Waiting in line, a guy gave us two free passes on his way out, saying he couldn't use them since they expired tomorrow. I mean, sweet! Talk about a great sign. I figured the result of the two free passes would be that our kids would huddle in the corner of the rink while Emily and I took turns skating around, but no! They were great.

It was Kate's first time on the ice, and she was a little wary at first, clinging to our legs and stuff, but she toughed it out and then she was actually skating. And Jack, at first wary of the big rink, rallied too, and then he and Emily were going around the big rink, and then he and I went around, with him of course leaving me in his shavings...whatever.

And the first time we went around I told Kate how proud I was of her and how proud Mommy would be, and then she looked across the rink and saw Mommy and yelled, "Mommy, look! I'm skating!"

And after an hour or so (my ankles think it was more), we got the kids juice boxes and cookies at the vending machine and I let Jack beat me at Air Hockey, and I got to play World Cup Soccer pinball for the first time in 15 years, and it was awesome.

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