Saturday, March 08, 2014

Disney World, Day 5 Universal Studios

Let me say up front that it's no knock on Disney World that this was our favorite day of vacation. Some of it because we were really excited about Harry Potter, some of it was because our meals were so awesome, some of it was just chance and good timing and luck. And we had a really awesome week at Disney. But I'm convinced that if you go to Disney and DON'T do a day trip to Universal, you're missing out. (And even Disney might realize this, since they did in fact run shuttles or busses from Animal Kingdom Lodge, although we opted for a taxi to get there quicker.)

We were lined up at the gates about half an hour early, so that we could be the first ones in and race to the Harry Potter area of Islands of Adventure. (Which was naturally way in the back, like the milk at the supermarket.) Of course, once the gates were open, our line was the only one that seemed to have a problem reading tickets in the front, and we stood there steaming quietly (most of us) while the other lines happily moved forward. We finally got in and Jack and I raced for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. As we got closer, and saw the castle tops looming ahead, Jack got more excited. I snapped a couple of pictures of him in front of things -- Hogwarts Express, the gates to Hogsmeade, Hogwarts Castle -- and in all he was standing with kind of a goofy, cheerful grin, since I think he'd been thinking about this day for several months.

We wound our way in line through Hogwarts Castle, eventually going on a ride which pretty much blew away every other ride to this point. You were strapped into a seat like in Soarin' and seemed to be gliding over all of Hogwarts on a broomstick, but not only were you soaring but swooping up and down and sideways, evading dragons, Dementors, and other Potter staples. All along, the comforting and encouraging presence of Daniel Radcliffe on his own broom reassured you. Kate was too small for the ride (oddly; it was no tougher than some she'd been allowed on), so Jack got to do it twice -- once with Emily, once with me.

After that one, we did the Flight of the Hippogriff, which was a rollercoaster similar in design to many we'd been on, also awesome. You began with a steep ascent, then felt your stomach turn over as you rocketed down and around the loops. Kate loved this ride; we ended up doing it twice. After going through various shops (Jack got a stuffed three-headed dog, which I frankly couldn't believe they had, that he'd been talking about as his planned purchase for several weeks, and various other Potter-swag: chocolate frog, Sneakoscope, chocolate wand, every-flavor beans), we briefly left to go to Seuss Landing (Dr. Seuss land), which was skewed younger, but also a lot of fun. Kids got pictures taken with the Grinch, Thing 1 and Thing 2, and I believe the character from Oh the Places You'll Go! Really had fun there.

Then it was back to the Wizarding World for lunch at the Three Broomsticks. I got a Butterbeer which was fantastic and fish and chips, everyone else got, I dunno, probably the standard: chicken fingers, fries, whatever. A nice tavern-style meal in a somewhat dark but comfy and homey tavern that seemed like it belonged.

Two more things to do in Islands of Adventure: Jurassic Park, and Marvel Super Hero Island. Kate wanted no part of the Jurassic Park ride, which involved getting onto a rollercoaster-like ride that warned you you might get wet. But Emily had brought rain ponchos for the kids, so they slipped into them and we clambered onto the ride. At the slow parts you drifted past scenes of dinosaurs, which was kind of cool. But at the very end, a huge T-Rex seemed to be about to eat you, when you suddenly dropped straight down over a waterfall and got soaked. Possibly the biggest surprise of all the rides on our vacation and thus the most thrilling, although Kate carped about it for a little while afterward. But even she was in good humor about it, probably because Emily and I got more of the brunt of the experience.

The Spider-Man ride was OK, but it was pretty loud and garrish; more of a 3-D experience with explosions and stuff than a ride. We steered clear of Dr. Doom's fearfall and a Hulk roller coaster that the kids were probably too young for (and I was too old for).

Once we'd finally done all we wanted to there, we headed over to the other half of Universal, primarily devoted to movie and other entertainment type properties. Stood in a way-too-long line for a Despicable Me 2 themed ride that in no way lived up to the effort. Next did the E.T. ride, which we had to do since the kids had just seen the movie, which was probably way more fun 10 years ago. But you felt like you were riding a bike in the sky, so the kids enjoyed it. The rides concluded at Simpsons World, which had a fun rollercoaster, lots of neat visuals, and an all around happy and fun vibe -- walking down the street you really felt like everyone was just enjoying themselves. That was also the case at Harry Potter, but not everywhere (some places you could feel the angst of the lines and whatnot). Really had a good time. The actual Simpsons ride, a fairly new one that had great effects, also yielded the best Kate moment of vacation. At one point you seemed to be swallowed by a giant Maggie (the baby). Kate's post-ride reaction: "I loved that ride. Except for when I got wet. And was inside someone's mouth!" Later, Kate would impress me by winning a stuffed Maggie at a carnival game -- nice work!

We sat outside and had a drink, and then the day was ending, and we decided to get dinner. Various ideas occurred to us, but we decided to go to the Hard Rock Cafe on the outskirts. Turned out to be basically one of our best meals -- we were all happy, the food and beer were great, the waiter was this friendly old rocker dude who charmed both kids and us while looking and acting like he'd stepped out of a '70s rock movie. Sometimes we have bad luck at restaurants -- slow service, cranky kids, distracted waiters, whatever. This was like the opposite of all that.

While we were eating, the skies outside opened up. It rained pretty hard, so we clambered into what we had for rain gear and headed for the exits. Got lucky with a cab, made it home, fell into our beds, wet, tired. Happy.

Sometimes we get sidetracked. Looking at our phones. Planning some future activity. Reviewing some past activity.

On this day, from start to finish, we just kind of lived the day and enjoyed it.

That's probably a large part of why it was so good. I am going to try to do it more often, whether on vacation, or not.

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