Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Field trip

Kate's first grade class went to the Aquarium today, and I offered to chaperone. This was a huge treat for Kate, which is kind of cool; I don't always think about how much kids enjoy having their parents chaperone. She was excited about it all week and talked about it all last night. She was happy.

My charges were Kate, Her friend Hannah, and a couple of quiet, well-behaved boys. Miss Naselli assured me they wouldn't give me any trouble; indeed, Kate was the only one inclined to run off ahead.

The Aquarium was the Aquarium. We saw seals and sharks, the latter of which scared Kate a little. We saw jellyfish ("Where's the jelly?" Kate asked), Finding Nemo types of fish, sting rays and sea turtles. We took pictures of smiling kids with sharks and turtles in the background. We touched rays, saw Meerkats, and watched an IMAX movie about baby elephants and orangutans being raised by people after their Moms were poached, then returned to the wild. Sad and touching and cute. Kate loved it, loves baby animals.

Strangely, I think I most enjoyed eating lunch with my little group of smiling girls and peaceable boys. Hannah's Mom wrote her a note on her napkin; that was really sweet. She and Kate had two of the same snacks. The boys had deli sandwiches. I dunno. I guess I like seeing what other parents do, how kids interact with each other when they're just sitting together (as opposed to looking at a shark or a movie).

End of the day, we got on the bus, and I cracked the kids up with a goofy dance to a song the bus driver was playing. Kate gave me a big smile. Me going on her class trip was the favorite part of her day. Mine too.

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