Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Birthday blog

Woke up at a reasonable hour, which was nice. Had coffee and pie for breakfast accompanied by great homemade cards.

Jack and I spent half an hour playing with his Snap Circuits electronics set. Saw something I'd written earlier about how much he liked that gift and wanted to get it back in rotation. Satisfying and fun.

Took the kids for a bike ride; I walked Riley alongside. It was nice; Kate has finally sort of mastered it, perhaps since she's so good riding her scooter these days, and Jack is very smooth. We went to the little playground and they rode around the tennis court while Riley ran around the baseball field. I watched, relaxed.

We came back, had lunch, turned on AC, watched a silly baseball movie. Kate at first wanted to watch something else, then got hooked. Our dog slept, we drank water and stayed cool on a hot day.

Dinner was eggs and toast, followed by a baseball game. Playoffs! Last year on my birthday, we lost our first playoff game. This was better. We won 7-3, Jack had a hit and a walk, there was little drama.

Afterward we got pizza and drank beer (not the kids), watched the Mets, ate ice cream. Kids sand happy birthday, hugged me good night. Wrote this blog. A nice day.

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