Friday, November 02, 2007

Jack's Halloween

Thought I'd try something a little different this time. I'm going to turn this one over to Jack.

Playing outside at school when a big car pulls up. It's Daddy's car! He's coming this way! "Daddy!" I run over to greet him. We're going home! No...wait....this is Halloween! Yeah! When I get candy! He picks me up, I say goodbye to the teachers, and we go to the car. Hey, there's my baby sister! She's not usually here for the pickups. I want to touch her head! "Baby Kate....Baby Kate...Baby Kate...How much is today." That's my new baby song.

Mommy was inside getting my stuff. There's my treats bag! And my dragon costume! And my treats bag. With CANDY! Mommy says Heyo to me. "Heyo!"

We're going to Aunt Taffy's. Kate starts crying. "Bay-beee Kate....Bay-beeeee Kate...." We leave Mommy and Kate there. Daddy asks if I want to go get the pizza for dinner. "And garlic balls?" Yes, he says, and garlic balls. "Want to go get pizza with Daddy."

At the restaurant these men are throwing pizza dough into big ovens. "What are those men DOING? Look at those guys! What are they DOING?" Daddy says they're making pizza. And garlic balls? I wonder.

Back at Aunt Taffy's. We're eating pizza and garlic balls. StaceyLyndsay is crying. She wanted chicken fingers. I like chicken fingers too, but this is PIZZA.

We finish eating. LyndsayStacey is crying. She hurt her hand. She's sad.

Now we're all in our costumes. Mommy is taking pictures. When do we go get our candy?

We go outside. StaceyLyndsay and Ranna go first, with Uncle Ekan behind them. Uncle Sam next. Then us. "Carry!" Daddy says he'll carry me some but I have to walk up to the houses, say trick or treat, and Thank you.

First house. I walk up the driveway. Long driveway! Pumpkins on the lawn. "Daddy, look at that big pumpkin!" People on the porch. I hold out my pumpkin bag. She's saying something to me. Does she have candy? There's candy! Daddy's yelling to say thank you. "Thank you." She's smiling at me. She gave me candy!

Next house. I'm walking again. Woman on porch. She says, ooh, what a scary dinosaur. "It's a dragon," I say. More candy!

Next house. Woman calls somebody inside to come out. It's a BIG DRAGON. That scary. Want Daddy. Da....Hey, she's got candy. OK. Get the candy and go. Daddy's there. "Jack, that guy has a big dragon costume like you do." I say, "yeah...."

More houses. I have a lotta lotta candy. Tired now. "Daddy, carry." Daddy carries me.

We're back at Aunt Taffy's. Daddy's not walking as fast as he was when we left. Not sure where Ranna LyndsayStacey are. They were moving FAST. I couldn't SEE them. Yeah.

Sitting on Aunt Taffy's porch. Daddy says, you can have 5 pieces of candy. Aunt Taffy: "FIVE? I let my kids have one." Daddy says, as I was saying Jack, 3 pieces of candy. "Okay." I eat three pieces of candy. I have a lot of chocolate on my hands and face.

In the car on the way home, I'm still eating that third piece. Full now. "Daddy, I want to save this one for later. Daddy, I want to save this piece for later." He says okay and holds out his hand. I hand him the rest of my chocolate bar. It kind of melted. It sticks to my hands a little bit. And his.

Jack, he says, we can't save this. You have other candy. I'm full and tired so I say OK. I watch as he drives one-handed and asks Mommy for a wipe. I think he has a lot of chocolate all over his hand.

We go home and go see Max's Mommy next door. She gives me a bag of treats. More candy? Or toys? Tired now.

We're back in our house now. Daddy and I go out on the porch to light the pumpkin. He says, "Happy Halloween" to us. Max and his Daddy come over and we give him candy.

We blow out the pumpkin. Halloween is over.

But I have a lot of candy.

Is tomorrow Christmas?

1 comment: said...

Possibly my favorite blog ever. Absolutely wonderful.