Friday, July 13, 2012

Cape wrap up

Last night in the Cape. Some random thoughts.

- It was nice seeing Kate swim, and want to swim. The week started with her just wanting to jump in and out of the pool, over and over again. Her only swimming was from where she landed in the water to the ladder. But at the end of the week she wanted to put her face in the water and swim, either in the ocean (without the water wings she wore in the pool) or the pool. "Daddy, watch!" She would grab her nose, take a deep breath, and swim...we used to call it the Steamboat back when I was learning, I think. Awfully glad her being sick only lasted a day. Lucky.

- Jack was happy basically the entire vacation. He lost his tooth the first morning (and another a few days later) which really started things off nice for him. He did a great on his bike, riding probably some 20 miles altogether, taking trips Tuesday, Wedenesday, Thursday and Friday. On Thursday we rented bikes (trailer for Kate) and rode to a little pond, having a beach day at a quiet little spot with fish and frogs and a deep drop off as you walked out into the water. Anyway, he was really comfortable on his bike, which is a huge improvement from where he was as recently as a month ago.

- The kids aren't adventurous eaters. But at least Kate ate hotdogs from a variety of places. And Jack ate some fried shrimp. Yeah that's all I got. Emily and I ate well.

- Kate took naps where she could get them. In the bike trailer after our pond trip. In a chair at the pool, briefly, once. Any midday car trips. It probably helped her mood, which was mostly awesome.

- They ate all their ice cream tonight. The seven days of ice cream are complete!

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