Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kate and Jack plan the future

When Kate and Jack get along well, they really get along well; they happily play with each other, and plan a future where they are always together. We explained how they can't get married, but that hasn't stopped them from planning some sort of roommate situation anyway. They discussed this yesterday.

Kate: "We'll have a pool. And our own beach! And we'll have a candy hotdog slide! AND a candy pizza!"

Jack: "And we'll live at Great Wolf Lodge! And we'll have BUNK BEDS!" Kate: "No, Jack, we can sleep in Mommy and Daddy's bed!" I explained to Jack that when he's older he might not want to be at the Great Wolf Lodge doing water slides every day. "Well, then I can play the wand game!" he countered, which was this game for kids where you went on quests and such.

Kate: "And when I'm older and Mommy and Daddy aren't our Mommy and Daddy anymore..." Well, we'll still be your Mommy and Daddy, Kate. "Oh," she said. "OK."

Jack: "And I don't want to be kind of bald like Daddy." Thanks, Jack.

Kate: "And we'll be our OWN Mommy and Daddy. And I'm going to marry Joshy!"(Kid in her preschool who she'll most likely never see again.)

Jack: "And I'm going to have a son named Jack Junior!"

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