Sunday, February 17, 2008

Live, or Memorex?

At the dinner table the other night, Jack made Kate laugh. Really laugh, the bust-a-gut, peals of laughter exploding out 0f her little face kind of laugh. I don't remember what it was; I think he was probably just babbling away about something, remembering something funny in The Jungle Book, or maybe reacting to something Emily or I said. Anyway, he reacted, and Kate cracked up. And he noticed, and responded, and she laughed even more. And he kept taking it up a notch, and her laughter did the same.

I was sitting there watching this and wondering if I should run to get the video camera in the next room. If I had the camera, I could record it, show it to our family and friends, immortalize it to watch for years to come. Then again, if I ran to get it, the moment might end while I was locating it, opening the lens, turning it on, adjusting the light and distance, and starting the tape. I'd get the recorder running and I'd suddenly be immortalizing two kids staring at me wondering what the hell I was doing.

Before I'd definitely decided one way or the other, the moment ended the laughter had dissolved into Jack asking for dessert and Kate's eyes drifting toward some vague spot on the ceiling. Immortal only in my memory. I hope.

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