Sunday, April 27, 2008


A year ago my sister visited for the Academy Awards, also known, of course, as The Oscars. She had a bunch of presents/prizes sent in advance of her visit from Amazon, including one for Jack: A stuffed Oscar the Grouch, looming out of his trashcan. Funny.

Jack was kind of ambivalent at first, but as he's been with most toys, it gradually has grown on him. Or he suddenly rediscovered it. In any case, in the last week or so, Oscar has become his favorite toy. He's been carrying him around, wrapping him in a blanket every now and then (so Oscar can sleep, obviously). Tonight, when I was putting him to bed, he asked for Oscar for the first time.

So I went downstairs to get Oscar, and came back with him. I had him peek around the door at Jack, because you know, I do silly stuff like that. Jack smiled. I gave him Oscar, kissed them both good night, and left the room.

Jack only came out of his room once this evening; it was a good night. He doesn't like the "you can't come into bed with Mommy and Daddy in the morning if you don't stay in your bed at night" rule, so he's been trying. But that doesn't mean he goes right to sleep.

After waiting in our room a few minutes to make sure he was staying in his bed, I headed downstairs. I paused outside our room, though, because I heard him through his door. Talking to Oscar.

"Do you want fish, or guinea pigs?" This is a game he's been playing lately, remembering the pet store. He then presents you with your invisible choice. "Okay, fish. Here you go."

Then: "Do you want coffee, Oscar?" Pause. "Okay, here."

Pause. "Sipppppppppppppppp. Ahhhh! Thank you."

I headed downstairs.

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