Saturday, August 08, 2009

Jack and Kate at play

Jack and Kate are playing together more often, which is fun. For one thing it's beautiful to watch, of course, but it's also nice because it gives us a chance to get something else done. They play with trains in Jack's room, or Play-dough downstairs, or various other toys.

Of course, they don't always play the same as each other -- Kate's playing sometimes involves more breaking or throwing things -- and there are times when they both want a certain toy. Those sometimes get ugly, with us having to threaten to take the toy away entirely if they can't work it out.

Anyway, the other day one of those instances rose up, when Jack wanted a toy that Kate had. He tried to explain the concept of sharing to her, in these words:

"Kate," he said. "Sharing means you give something you really want to have to someone else."

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