Saturday, October 02, 2010


Jack and I went out to buy Halloween decorations today. We got decorations for the windows, the doors, the porch, and of course Jack's room. We found these things that fit in windows, big full poster-size images. First we saw pumpkins....then black cats... (got those for Katie)....and then -- and Jack actually chortled with glee -- scary ghosts.

He had to have them. I said, are you sure? He was sure. Not the pumpkins or the cats? No. No! The ghosts. The ghosts are perfect. He was certain.

We bought the ghosts, and we came home. Jack and I put the ghost poster thing up on his closet door. We both reveled in it and pretended to be scared.

After we put the kids to bed tonight and we're sitting on the couch, Jack came downstairs.

"I'm scared of the ghost on my door," he said flatly.

I went back upstairs with him, opened his door so he couldn't see it, and that was OK.

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