Thursday, June 23, 2011

swimming, again

Took Jack swimming at the Rye Y today. We hadn't been there before, and there was a class in the shallow end, so we had to be in the deep end -- 9 feet!

At first Jack was a little nervous. He hadn't actually been swimming in a pool in more than 2 months. And it was a new pool and a new depth for him.

But with the floaty noodle under his arms, he was fine, and he started to relax. Then the floaty barbells. And gradually, as he warmed up to it, he remembered that he could swim.

So by the end, he was jumping off the edge of the pool, a pretty good half dive, half belly flop. First into my arms, then with me across the pool, where he'd kind of dog paddle, steamboat his way over to me. And then he was pushing away the barbells and noodle and swimming for the edge on his own.

I was always just a few feet away, but at times, I was nervous. In the first place, I've been in better shape, to be honest. After half an hour treading water, helping Jack, catching Jack, swimming with the noodle, etc., I was beat.

But at the end, and it was time to get out, he had a big smile on his face and was proud of himself. And he was tired, too, but happy.

In our matching bathing suits and matching colorful towels, we found our way back to the locker room. Showered, dressed, and went off to get haircuts together.

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