Friday, July 01, 2011

Summer break, Day 5

A low-key kind of day, at least for some of us. Kate still woke up too early, and woke us up too early, we put her back into bed, lay awake until she came in again 10 or 15 minutes later. Jack slept in, keeping with the trend that if one of them wakes up early, the other one sleeps in. If they could just sync up those days every once in a while, we'd all be happier.

Anyway, we got up early with Kate, slugged down coffee (not Kate, I think she had milk in her Peppa Pig cup), she had breakfast, and watched Olivia on TV. Jack came downstairs a few minutes after Emily had left for work, and he and Kate played some kind of game involving his snake from the Beardsley Zoo (rubber) and her wolf (stuffed).

Aunt Cathy had forwarded an invite to attend the local pool at midday, but given Kate's lack of sleep over the course of the week, I decided it best she stay home. So they took Jack, and Kate napped, I worked, and Jack swam, played volleyball, and had his second straight day (and third in four, counting the beach on Tuesday) in the water and the sun.

When Kate woke up, I read her the Olivia book, and then we drew pictures in her room. First she had me draw an elephant (she applauded), then a robot ("Is that a boy robot or a girl robot?"), and then a baby. She's a very appreciative art fan. She asked me to read her another book, and I was going to grab one I liked from her nightstand, but she said, "I like to get a book from my bookshelves." Which is why she currently has about 10 books on her shelves and 100 towering in Dr. Seussian epicness on her nightstand.

Later, at Cathy's, I asked whether Jack had a good time. When I told him about the pool this morning, he'd asked, "Is it deep?" (He's still not totally comfortable in water over his head, although he's actually a serviceable swimmer and water-treader/dog-paddler these days.) "Who will be there?" (He wondered if it would only be bigger kids who wouldn't play with him.) Well, your cousins, and the Hinz boys, and maybe some other kids. "I know Lyndsay will play with me!"

Cathy said, well, he mostly played with the girls, and then at the end, Matthew (older boy) played volleyball with him. And he was so thrilled.

Found Jack downstairs playing "Operation" with his cousins. He had a little glow to him, rosy cheeks, happy smile, all that. He looked like an older boy.

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