Thursday, August 11, 2011

Talent Show

Normally Kate wakes up from her naps cranky and unwilling to get up. But today when I told her it was time get up she jumped up, went right to the bathroom, shook her hair out of her eyes, and was ready to go. Because today was Jack's Talent Show Day.

We've had an inkling of something coming up from Jack's camp for a little while now. Every so often he'll break into a little mini-dance, including hip shakes and chest beating. Turned out they were learning a routine, and practicing it, for a show at camp. It was today, so I roused Kate from her nap and we hoofed it over the park to see it all unfold.

When it came time for Jack's number, they did this little hip-shaking, jumping up and down, spinning dance number to a medley that included a Back Street Boys song. Jack was in the front and in the middle, perhaps because he was one of the more physically expressive dancers. Near the end he did this little foot shimmy that cracked me up, then a finger point, and finally an emphatic microphone wave and thrust that was right out of a music video I'm pretty sure he's never seen. It was a riot.

What was funny was how seriously he was taking it -- he later said he was nervous and shy -- he really looked like it was important to him to hit all his cues and do a good job. I recorded it, and we watched it at home on TV, Emily and I cracking up, Jack hiding his face in his hands. At first. And then we played it again, and he stood up, with his back to the TV, and did the whole routine again, with the music, just like his little video image on the screen. This time, though, he had a big grin on his face.

And his little sister got up next to him and did the same spinning, pointing, twirling dance. Big smile on her face, too.

For me, I think it was top 2 with seeing him score his first goal in soccer. I was grinning like an idiot while he danced like Justin Timberlake in his Mark Sanchez jersey. 2012 King Street Talent Show, look out.


Usemeplz said...

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talent online said...

lol funny one.