Friday, September 07, 2012

First week of school

Kids started school this week. Some stuff:

- Kate had her first day of school on Wednesday. We sat in the auditorium with her, just as we did with Jack two years ago, and then she got called to join Mrs. Glockenberg. She hugged Emily goodbye and walked off to join her teacher. Brief tension, afraid she would turn back, but she kept on. Emily said she saw her smiling.

- at pickup, she waved happily, smiled, hugged her teacher, ran to us. Happy.

- Jack, an old pro at this, was fine. But at pickup, he wanted to look for his friends, all of whom ended up in a different second grade class. He's funny, he speaks about it philosophically, saying he talked to them too much anyway. But then I see he wrote in his journal, "got Miss Bernstein. None of my friends in my class." And I know he is sad about it. So today we signed him up for soccer each Saturday morning. With all of his friends.

They did great in Week 1. Probably better than we did worrying about them.

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