Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Vacation, Day 2

Rained all day,,so good thing we went outside a lot yesterday. Got some work done in the morning, while the kids had another stuffed animal rodeo, made birthday cards for cousins and Babas, and built things with long forgotten construction toys. Jack made some kind of great bird/TRex character. Kate made a birdhouse thing.

Afternoon we ran errands. Orthodontist for Jack. Library for both; Kate got a bunch of Rainbow Fairy books, Jack got a variety of different books that I'm sure he will fly through. Kate finished one of hers this afternoon. Voracious readers, it's nice.

Went to the grocery store and post office, came home to read, make a fire (cold and rainy out), and watched a couple of Gilligan's Islands. Basically all the humor involving Ginger goes well over their heads, which is fortunate.

At dinner I made Jack laugh by theorizing an Easter Bunny that threw eggs at people, conking them in the head. This totally cracked him up, which I don't often do; very satisfying. Ate cake for dessert and watched Cosmos, which I have to say kind of went over Emily's and my heads but Jack termed one of his favorites. OK then.

Put Kate to bed, reading one of her kitten books. She sang me a song about the little black bug that was pretty cute. We listened to the rain as she fell asleep.

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