Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Vacation, Day 4

The day began with an hour and a half worth of dentist appointments. This is the worlds best kids dentist office, since it has video games, a popcorn box shaped movie theatre showing "Frozen," and a life size suit of Iron Man armor. Anyway, the kids were great and I got some great selfies with Iron Man, and then we zipped home so Kate could go do gymnastics for 3 hours and I could host a couple of Kate's friends' brothers. It was 4 p.m. before it was just Jack and Kate again.

Kate and I played baseball in the yard. The girl can throw! She hit some too. Jack came out and we discovered he was a fiercer taskmaster than I was, giving Kate all the tips I give him...hmm, maybe I am a fierce taskmaster. Anyway. We had fun, and then I took Jack to his two-hour baseball practice. And I am really tired now, so, good night.

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