Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Swimming Pool

Took the kids swimming yesterday. Sometimes we have plans afterward, sometimes Jack is looking around for friends who might be there or making new ones, sometimes somebody is too tired or whatever, and it's more of a scattered experience.

But this time, it was a really hot day, there was nowhere we had to be afterward, and nobody else we knew was there. And so we jumped in the pool and swam. Kids tried to dunk me, we tossed a squishy ball around, we all went down the slide. The kids did little races swimming across the pool, and then we went into the deep end and they jumped off the edge of the pool as I tossed them the ball and they tried to catch them in midair. And THEN, they practiced leaps into the pool for each other, saying, "Kate, look, this is the Zombie dive," and "No, Jack, watch THIS one!" They did this for about 20 minutes, over and over.

And then we got ice cream. And they played shuffleboard. And hopscotch. And we swam more. And then it was time to go home. In the car, Jack said, "I think that was the best pool trip ever." And I was thinking, you guys swam, you played together the whole time, you jumped in the water over and over again. It may have been the best, after all.

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