Tuesday, December 02, 2014

First Day of December

On the first day of December, the kids set up their Lego advent calendars, gifts from Nana and Baba. Jack cleared off all the stuff on his nightstand and laid out a nice, open space for the calendar to sit. He knelt there taking care to have plenty of room for it to open up, and for all the little Lego pieces to go.

Kate did the same in her room, clearing off the top of her dresser for the Lego Friends calendar to sit. She opened up the front door and seemed pleased with her work.

After opening each door, they brought the Legos down to show us. Jack showed how he had turned his little Mailbox into something else, already; a snowplow. Kate showed us the little girl she'd received.

What do you like best about your calendar, Jack? I asked. "That it gives us Legos every day," he said. "And it's fun." Kate? "Playing with them!" she said.

That was the first day.

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