Monday, March 09, 2015


Growing up we played a lot of board games and card games. It's a different world with everyne staring at their devices and having video games easily at their fingertips and whatnot, so we don't play games quite as often. But now and then, we do.

- when Jack has swim practice, Kate and I used to play Go Fish. Now we've moved onward and upward to Uno. It's a pretty good game and easy enough. When bored with that, we play whichever games are available in the rec room (at the Rye Y). Table tennis, although Kate really can't play. Foosball, which she can play a little, although she has tendency to pick up the ball with her hand and try to throw it through the goal. On occasion. And air hockey, which she simply cheats at, covering the goal with her arm as we play. But it's still fun.

- Jack and I play these same games, when Kate has swimming lessons. We've become really good at table tennis and have rallied up to 50, granted while trying to rally rather than actually win a point. And allowing more than one bounce. But, we are pretty good. I am better at foosball, though it is close. And he is better than me at air hockey. Quicker reactions. I would say I let him win, but it's not true, he just does.

- Kate and I played a board game she got for Christmas called Shark Mania. It's a silly but fun game where you move along a board before the Sharks eat you. I have fun with her bY playing very deliberately and slowly, letting the shark nearly get me every turn. She implores me to hurry, exasperated at how I nearly get eaten. "Daddy!!!" She yells, angst-ridden. Mmm? I say. Oh, right, sorry. It's fun.

- Jack and I play Chess. He wants to be good but isn't there yet. It's so different than every other board game, I think. You need to be always thinking about attacking the other person, and I'm not sure if that has registered with him yet. So many board games are essentially races.

- we all play this game I got foR Christmas called Zoom Cubes. You are using dice with letters on them to make words. A good, fun strategy game. They can both beat me at it, because they are young and can think fast, faster than me. I can win by requiring longer words or tougher challenges. Typically I lose.

- we play Hearts sometimes. Emily and I love this game. It is tough to see the kids getting older, but on the bright side, it will be great when they're better at Hearts.

- The never ending winter might finally be winding down, and yesterday Kate and I bundled up in jackets and boots, put on sunglasses to handle the blinding glare off the backyard snow, and spent some time playing the outdoor game we will play a ton this spring and summer, all of us. Catch.

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