Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Kate's first baseball practice was Monday. She has played tee ball the past two years, but it's not the same. This was an indoor practice with another team, at the School gym. But indoor or no, it was baseball.

She did great. Practice began with some runs and stretches and warmups,,and she did it all with a smile. Laughed during some of the warmups, like "buttkickers". When it came to playing catch, she was paired up with this huge boy wearing a "Beast Mode" t-shirt (I am not kidding), and although she didn't catch all of them ...or many of them... She didn't get hit too hard by the misses. Whew.

During ground ball drills, she fielded a few, carefully, meticulously, but gamely.

At the end of practice, she was still smiling.

I know there are going to be tough moments this season. She asks for help too often ("daddy, will you get my water bottle?" No, Kate, it's right there, you can get it.). She is going to have a hard time learning some things, or maybe wanting to learn some things. Hitting, catching, that kind of stuff.

But so far she is out there with a smile. I'll take that.

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