Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Jack often repeats things we say, and what's funny is that even if it's words that he has no idea what they are, he blusters along anyway. So today we were making a big train out of blocks, and as I added the last one I said, Ah, the creme de la creme! And Jack laughed and nodded, saying, "...the creme da la googly...the creme da la dideee..." Basically just cracking himself up with the words, repeating them just to hear them roll off his tongue.

We were lining up his trains on top of their little information cards, and he came to two trains that didn't have any cards. "Where do these trains go?" he asked. Er, they're, um, supervising, I said, standing them near the other ones. Jack started lining up other random trains and things. "They're supervising, too," he said.

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