Saturday, August 04, 2007

According to Jack

- Ronald McDonald is bad, Old McDonald is good. I don't think he minds McDonald's food as much as it being a case of, he saw a commercial with the Ronald clown jumping around and waving his arms and didn't like it very well. He also likes Wendy's, I think mostly because of the little girl on the bag.

- Dancing is essentially stomping feet up and down and pumping arms when music is on the radio; running out of the room saying "My song, my song!" when it's on a CD he's playing; or running circles around the room while Daddy is singing his goodnight songs, particularly the catchier ones like "Personal Penguin." Tonight we ran circles around the room to music, Jack saying "I'm going to catch you!" and me saying "I'm going to catch YOU" and so forth.

- Any reference to "Jack" of any kind, means him. (And I don't blame him for this.) So, there's a show on Nickelodeon called Jack's Big Music Show. At some point he saw something he didn't like, probably the way the puppets make loud noises or jump around sometimes, I don't know. Once we had the channel on and it showed a commercial for it. I said, Oh, it's Jack's Big Music Show. Jack: (near tears) "Don't like my big music show....!" Then tonight, it being my birthday, I had bought some Jack Daniels and was going to make myself a Jack and Coke, which I mentioned to Emily. Jack overheard, and said: "Don't put me in Coke!"

1 comment: said...

Jack Daniels and Coke? Yeesh . . .