Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Musical Kate

I don't know if all little kids and babies like music, but it appears we're 2 for 2. Kate, like Jack, can't get enough of that foot-stompin' musical beat.

Jack used to dance in his crib to musical Tigger from a very young age. (Picture at right.) Kate didn't do that, but she did start playing the little toy piano while just a few months old, and she now rocks back and forth on her haunches, or bounces up and down, to music. Jack plays this tune on one of his toys that he dances to, and I was watching him do this -- when all of a sudden Kate caught my eye, halfway across the room, bouncing up and down, head nodding to the music. She caught me looking at her and shot me a big grin, and went right on "dancing."

Yesterday she was standing at the play table, which also plays music when she hits certain buttons. At one point she was playing that music, AND she stepped on this little book the neighbors gave us that plays musical tunes. A veritable symphony (cacophony?) of music, and she looked at me, laughed, and rocked back and forth on her heels.

Sometimes she claps. Not always to music; sometimes just because she's happy, although the music is part of that. I missed it, but Emily told me she was clapping happily yesterday and accidentally caught her nose in a clap. Hee.

Today I took Kate to the gym (YMCA) for the first time. They have a babysitting service there for while you work out, with all kinds of toys. Kate, um, didn't do so well with it. I checked on her (without being seen) every five minutes. First time: crying. Second time: not crying. Third time: crying harder. Fourth time: not crying as I was first approaching; then, crying. I got there and I honestly worried she'd had an allergic reaction to something, her little eyelids and nose were so red. So yeah, the babysitting with strangers is something we've got some minor problems with.

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