Saturday, October 04, 2008


Kate started walking last week, which was pretty cool.

It started out with her pushing this walker thing around. Actually, it probably started with her standing up on her own, more and more often. And then walking around holding on to one of our fingers for balance. And then standing up a few feet from us, taking one step, and falling into our arms. She did all that stuff more and more, and then all of a sudden she was cruising around at high speeds pushing the walker thing, like a woman in a shopping cart race. I mean, she was really moving. And there was a glee to it all, a "HA! Look at me! Out of my way! Look at me! Ha!" She was crashing about and pivoting and lifting the walker to position it a certain way -- and not falling. It wasn't even supporting her anymore, it was just there.

Then she started walking one day, a few excited steps from Emily to the table, or the table to Emily, or her to me. Huge open-mouthed toothy grin on her face, a kind of madness in her eyes, defiance, accomplishment. "Finally....finally...I'm WALKING! Ah-HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Really, that's kind of what it was like.

Not that she still doesn't like grabbing the walker and ramming it around the house, mind you. Much to Jack's dismay as she comes near a puzzle he's doing or something: "NOOOOO Kate! NOOOO!"

She's gonna be a handful, we can tell.

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