Thursday, December 11, 2008

Funny stories

There's a stomach bug going around Jack's school. We heard about it when Jack explained how one girl threw up during snack time when they were eating crackers. "All over the table!" said Jack, excitedly. But not on your crackers? Emily asked. "Oh no. She threw up on Teddy's crackers a little bit." Did Teddy get new crackers. "OH, yes."


Jack caught the stomach bug, of course. Got sick tonight. Told me he had to, so we went and stood at the toilet. For about 5 minutes, nothing. So I (wait for it).......closed the lid, and we left. Two minutes later, Jack had to throw up. We got there, but didn't get the lid up in time. Lesson learned.

At bedtime, he wanted some water. Emily gave him a tiny bit, but said he couldn't have any more, since he'd just been sick. Naturally, shortly after that, he got sick. As he sat on his floor before getting back into bed, he said sadly, "I guess I shouldn't have had that water." Emily also told me he said, "I feel bad for myself being sick." He's been coming out with some great comments lately. I need to write more of them down. I forget them and a day later they're gone.


Kate was home most of the week. She also got sick once, and had other stuff going on, one of which I can't even begin to spell and won't try. It was odd being home alone with her -- I was for the entire summer, and then not from September through now, with her in day care. Whenever she was home with me (Friday through Sunday), either Jack was here or Emily or both. First afternoon, she seemed to just love running around the house on her own (no need to worry about Jack playing with toys she wanted, or whatever).

The last two days, it was books and more books. What she does is she walks up to me in her little pigeontoed way, and she's holding a book in her hand. Or she's sad or clingy or whatever, and I say, do you want to read a book? Why don't you go get a book? And she goes and gets one. Little block books, board books, typically little small things -- Kate-sized.

I generally sit cross-legged on the floor ("criss-cross applesauce," according to Jack, which is also a verb in Jack speak -- "Are you criss-cross applesaucing?"). She walks up to me, turns around, then backs up the rest of the way. Sits down on my legs like I'm her chair. Little smile on her face that I can kind of see as she backs up.

And that's pretty much how we spent the last two days around the house, her bringing me books, backing up to sit down, and us reading them. Over and over and over.

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