Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lots of stuff

Dang, I haven't blogged in two weeks. Way too long, especially with so much different stuff happening....

- Jack got the "Madagascar" DVD, and now walks around singing "I like to moob it, moob it. I like to moob it, moob it.

- I turned Kate's car seat around so that she faces front rather than back. She was wide-eyed as I strapped her into it for the first time, as if to say, HEY, what's this new development? Ultimately, she still wailed a little on the way home, as she normally does when she's wearing her bulky winter Michelin jacket and strapped into the car seat, but at least she was facing forward. Jack wanted to hold her hand, which was kind of sweet.

- Jack had lots of fun with the Imaginext castle playset Santa brought him for Christmas, his "big gift." This was something we decided on a few weeks before, found it online, and then managed to get the last one at a store nearby. And a dragon accessory, plus a few other things. I think it's an awesome toy, and I'm not just saying that because I play with it for half an hour every night after everyone else goes to bed. The best part is that Jack likes it too.

- Emily cut Kate's bangs. I think maybe they were keeping her up, or at least I tell myself that, because when she was rubbing her eyes when I was putting her to bed, she may also have been trying to get hair out of them. She looks totally different but still extra cute. And her hair isn't in her eyes anymore.

- Jack let his Baba put him to bed. Mom and Dad stayed here over Christmas, and Jack decided he wanted Baba to read him stories before bedtime. The stories he got to read were a Backyardigans book involving cops and robots (Jack had read it a hundred times and kept correcting him -- "No, that's UNIQUA") and then I think a Curious George story perhaps; he kept asking Dad questions like, "Why does an elephant pick up food with his NOSE?" and Dad would come up with the same kind of explanation I would; probably some truth and some guesswork, which was kind of funny. After stories Baba just turned out the light and Jack went to sleep, unlike with us where he comes out of his room for about half an hour straight.

- Kate got sick; her first winter in daycare has been rough. She was home with a fever for a couple of days and slept a lot, woke up and drank liquids, slept some more. But it was really fun having her home, actually; I forgot how much I missed her, and I think she was happy having the run of the place and not having to worry about Jack taking toys away or whatever. Aside from being sick, she was happy, anyway.

- Aunt Linda visited, and it was funny how Jack and Kate both immediately took to her. Kate was nervous for maybe a few minutes and then I walked into the kitchen and there was Aunt Linda holding her. Jack only wanted to go out to dinner if he could sit next to Aunt Linda. Both kids, in fact, were great with all the visitors and such over the holidays.

- Jack and I went sledding in the neighbor's driveway. It was great, because it was a place for Jack to sled and he had fun. It was bad, because the kids are a little older and Jack tries to make friends but he can't really relate to them. But, it was still very sweet to see him try.

- We talked to Aunt Robin and Jack and Kate's cousins via Skype, enabling Robin to see Kate in the dress she'd sent and Jack to show his various stuffed toys to the camera. Plus we got to see Robin's dog Bailey.

- Dad and I played cards and watched the end of Casablanca together. Perhaps one day, 30 or so years from now, I'll be doing that again from the other perspective.

- Kate started walking around saying "Hi.....Hi!......Hi...." And sticking out her tongue. Tonight I thought she had something in her mouth. I crouched down: Kate, what have you got in your mouth? She opened her mouth wide, stuck out her tongue, and laughed at me.

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