Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jack's last preschool day

Today was Jack's last day of preschool. I got bits and pieces of it, from several sources.

Emily: "We were going to get Munchkins, but Jack wanted big donuts, so we got big ones for his class and Munchkins for Kate's. ... I teared up a little after dropping him off."

Miss Liz (when I picked him up): "OK, take turns hugging Jack goodbye. Teddy, Olivia, take turns!" (They were crushing him. On the bright side, they were going to see him on Sunday anyway at Charleigh's birthday party.) And: "Another girl's last day was last week, and she brought donuts, but there weren't enough so they had to be cut in half. Jack said, 'I brought 14 donuts, so they don't have to be cut in half...everyone gets a donut!' He was very proud."

Jack: "I hugged Mr. Brendan goodbye and he hugged me so hard he picked me up off the floor! And then he patted my stomach like THIS! And then I patted his stomach TOO!"

"Mr. Brendan said I was the King of the Classroom, and so today we did whatever I wanted to do."

"I miss Teddy. But, I'll see him Sunday. And I'll see him at our playdate. And I'll invite him to MY birthday. And I'll see him at other birthday parties....." You bet, Jack.

At home, Jack opened all of the going away presents from his class. First he read all the words on his balloon. "Bye! We'll miss you! Good Luck! Keep in Touch!" He's a good reader. Teddy had made him a picture. Charleigh made him a paper crown. He unwrapped the present from the class. It was a canvas bag which everyone had signed their name to, in different colors.

Lastly, they'd given him the picture of the four of us we'd sent in a couple of years ago, Mommy and Daddy and Jack and Kate, sitting on the porch swing in Vermont. It was laminated and put on construction paper, surrounded by stickers he'd put on. And that was preschool.

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