Friday, July 02, 2010


Taught Jack to play Risk and Parcheesi. The one he wanted to collect all the cannons, the other he wanted to play with the elephant and buffalo pieces. But it was fun anyway. He kept inventing new rules, so that both games ended up being nothing like they were supposed to be. And it didn't matter.

Went to a backyard barbecue. There were a bunch of other boys, many slightly older, who Jack didn't know. At first he just played with his cousins. But then, hanging out near their baseball game, he showed interest. A boy invited him. He shambled tentatively into the group. And got a chance to swing the bat at a few. He and I had just played in our backyard that morning, and I saw him hit a few good ones that evening, so it made me happy and proud. Glad for him, too.

Kate and I swung a jump rope that she'd found at the party. Also played with a couple of hula hoops. She laughed and laughed.

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