Sunday, March 06, 2011

Blog Project Day 6, Dog Day 2

It's the 6th day of consecutive blogging, and the 2nd day of consecutive dogging, ba-DUM-bump. Anyway, Jack had a great time bringing Laney her toys, and when she got up and went into the next room, Kate had a great time picking them up again, bringing them into the same room as Laney, tossing them hurriedly into her vicinity, and climbing up into a chair. She's still kind of nervous about this little dog.

But she was better. Kate petted her when she was lying down, or being held securely by one of us. She didn't shriek as much at the end of the day when Laney walked around in her general space. She threw treats fairly close to her; it almost seemed like one day she might handfeed her, and be calm around her.

And Jack? Well, judging by the picture he drew after dinner, he loves her already.

(BTW, in case the picture doesn't make it clear, it rained like a banshee -- yes, I know, I'm mixing metaphors here -- all day.)

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