Thursday, March 24, 2011

random stuff on Day 24!

On the way to the library after school, I mentioned to Jack that his swimming was postponed next week, some kind of break or whatever. Then I said, but hey, we can go swimming at the YMCA pool, OK? And he said, "Great!" And I said, all right, it's a date. And he said, "Well, not a DATE, like you're going out with somebody's girlfriend or something." He's 6.


At the library, we didn't have to walk past the statue of the bull. Or the buffalo. I'm really not sure, it's one of those things. We parked on the other side of the lot. But as we walked out of the library, and headed down the stairs, Jack said he wanted to go say Hi to the bull. Or buffalo. So he ran the 100 or so feet down the walkway the other way, climbed on, and sat there happily for a few minutes. Then I waved him back, and we got back in the car and went off to get Kate.


Jack and I played Nerf football, T ball, and catch in the backyard. Gotta work on the playing catch. He had no idea what he was doing. I feel bad. That will be a regular activity the next couple of weeks.


Putting Kate to bed, I read her "Go, Dog, Go." On every page with the dogs in cars -- there are 4 or 5 of them -- she counts the cars. So I'm trying to read, Stop, Dog, Stop, and she's reaching across me to touch each of the cars, counting, "One....Two...Three...Four....Five...Six.... SEVEN! Seven, Daddy!"

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