Monday, March 14, 2011


With the NFL in lockout, awesome, Jack and I nevertheless continue playing our indoor football game. We play in the playroom, in the short side of the L-shaped room. (The long side wouldn't work because my computer is at one end and a TV at the other. Plus our throws would hit the ceiling if we were further apart.) As it is our field is about 25 feet or so, maybe a little more, which is fine.

We use a mini-Jets football, about the size of a grapefruit. But you know, football-shaped. If we misplace it, or it gets stuck behind the TV, we switch to the mini-Patriots football. And yes, sometimes when Jack isn't looking I bash them together like they're the helmets on Monday Night Football's pregame show. I play on my knees, because otherwise all my throws would hit the ceiling, and I'm only allowed to make catches with one hand, because otherwise I'd clobber him. I mean, he's 6, and I have a lifetime of playing minimally athletic games.

Anyway, we usually play to about 30. He zips me one, I catch it or not, I zip it back. We're getting pretty good at it; I think we snagged eight in a row, collectively, today. The problem comes if I get a lead, at which point he sails throws well over my head (again, I play from my knees), or into the carpet. Sometimes I respond with one he can't catch, usually just throwing it a little faster than normal. But generally I play fair, and encourage him to do the same, although granted he typically wins. Because if he didn't, I wouldn't get to see him do his victory dance, with him spiking the ball and all that.

Looking forward to taking the game outside before much longer. Because my knees are kind of killing me.

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