Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer vacation, day 2

Started the day with Dunkin Donuts. It gives me an excuse to get iced coffee, plus they love it.

Then we went to Bruce Park playground. Funny today because Kate saw a preschool friend, leaving Jack feeling left out. I say funny because it is almost always the other way, with Kate forlornly chasing jack and some friend around. Jack, however, was a good sport, at one point pushing both girls on swings. He is a great big brother.

Both of them climbed things I didn't know they could climb. Kate climbed a rope tower thing that I was impressed when jack climbed. At 6. She then yelled for her friend to see her. "Look how high I am! Look, Georgia!"

Lunch, library (where Jack took out eight books), playing in the yard. Kate also did her summer workbook and asked if she could take the trophy stickers "because I did so well." I said sure.

I also saw her read a sentence she hadn't seen before (so I knew it wasn't something she had memorized). She is getting there.

Near the end of the day she played with her dollies, "because it was on my list of summer things to do."

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