Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cape vacation, days 1-2

Day 1

Driving day. We hit the road at 9:30 and Kate was asleep before 10. Jack did not sleep, so he talked Emmy into playing Mad Libs. Over and over again. Since he's 7, favorite adjectives included stinky, smelly, ugly, poopy. It made for some interesting reads, especially since it was a Star Wars Mad Libs and most of the pages were about the Death Star.

We were late crossing the Bourne Bridge, so there was some traffic, and when we stopped at a rest area for Kate, they only had port o potties. Emily started thinking it would be the bizarro version of last year's Cape trip, which Kate being sick the next morning only added to. But we got there and checked in and went straight to the pool, which was a hit as always. Ate seafood and drank beer (us not the kids, though they had some shrimp) and turned in.

Day 2

Kate was sick, high fever. Slept all morning. Jack, shortly after breakfast, lost his awkwardly twisted hillbilly front tooth when he knocked it against the back of Kate's chair. I honestly don't think I have ever seen him so happy; just giddy with joy and glee. He threw his hands in the air and said YES so excitedly it was like a spoof of someone being happy. He didn't even mind the blood. In retrospect we gave him too much grief about getting that thing out (as he pointed out in a note to the Tooth Fairy) and I kind of felt bad about it. But we were celebrating right along with him. In the car on the way to the beach we heard a song that had a line about it being a great day, and he said "it is a great day now that I got my tooth out!" Probably I am overstating this but it came up a lot during the day.

So Jack and I went alone to the beach. We played together for a bit and then Jack saw some boys playing baseball and he said "I'm going to see if I can play with them." I didn't see much of him over the next two hours. They played baseball, then Jack ran to get his shovel and pail and ran back to the boys and they made castles while I exchanged pleasantries with the parents. (the boys were a grade or two older) At one point Jack and the younger boy hung out on body boards, hoping to catch a wave and chatting like much older kids. I oversaw them from afar until the impromptu play date ended. Later Jack drew a picture of them playing baseball, writing, "I made a new friend." Emily said to Jack, that's impressive, making friends like that. Jack said, "it's easy. Just walk up to somebody playing and say, 'can I play with you?'"

Other stuff we did at the beach: eat lunch, find snails and shells (jack: "if you see a snail, draw an s in the air so I know"), and get a couple of rocks for Kate. I brought Kate her rock and she was duly appreciative. "I will add it to my rock collection. Well, it's at home."

She told me she felt a little better (next day, she was) and liked the grape medicine I got her.

Jack played catch in the yard with Emmy to end the day.

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