Friday, April 30, 2010

just a day

Jack was up too late last night, so he was a little out of it today. Plus he had a slight cold. But, the day came anyway...

- Start with last night, we had breakfast for dinner. I make faces on their plates: the mini-bagels are the eyes, scrambled eggs for mouth (or hair sometimes, with bacon for the mouth), and a strawberry for a nose. I think they enjoy it as much as I do. Maybe it's a toss-up.

- This morning they had breakfast for breakfast. Yogurt, cinnamon toast, cereal. Canteloupe. Whatever one of them asks for, the other one wants. "I want milk TOO!" "I want canteloupe TOO."

- Went to the bank. Jack requested the latest rock and roll CD. Sonic Youth. I don't think there's any cursing in it, though I'll need to screen things closely as time goes on.

- Took Jack for a haircut. Kate ran around the barber shop, peering through glass into cabinets. I read them both the Scooby Doo, Haunting at the Playground book. I've read that thing for basically every haircut Jack has had, so I'm thinking about 6 times a year for the last three and a half years. I think that's the main reason Jack wants to keep going to Ruvo's, even more than the lollipops afterward. That book.

- They got lollipops.

- We went to the library. Found the book Jack wanted, that he'd seen with his class this week. Found a book for Kate, who of course walks around picking random books off shelves that she wants, even if she has no idea what they are.

- Outside the library, they sat on the statue of a bull, as they also do every time. Last time they went with Emily, and maybe she called it an ox. Because Jack said, "Can we go sit on the axe?" And I'm like, WHAT?

- Went to the little playground. Jack was kind of tired and went through the motions at the slides and stuff. Kate wanted to go on the swings. I put her on a swing next to a little boy, a bit younger than her, being pushed by his Mom. Kate laughed gaily as I pushed her. The boy was absolutely silent as he swung. It was a little embarrassing. When Kate laughs, she really laughs.

- Went to McDonalds. They'd moved on from How to Train Your Dragon toys, but the woman went in the back and found a couple. They were happy. Both ate all their food. Something about McDonalds.

- At home, Kate napped. Jack could have but didn't. We had a quiet afteroon and they went to bed early. Like I'm going to do now.

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