Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Gah, it's been 9 days!

Sorry about that. Maybe I'll blog about Thanksgiving at some point....

Kate's talking a lot these days. When I get her out of the crib, it's "Ma Fends! Ma Fends!" And I have to get all of her Backyardigan friends out of the crib. And then: "Bunny!" And, "Boofish!" (Bridgeport Bluefish.) And, "Elmo!"

We read books, and she keeps me up to date on what's happening in the pictures. Family sitting at a table: "Dinner time!" Monkey on a bed: "Monkey SLEEPING!" And big smiles at the news she's given me.

Kate dances in the kitchen like the letter Y, with both arms in the air and her feet together, smiling and swaying back and forth.

She carries a stuffed snowman around these days that Jack allowed her to have. "Thangyu, Jack!" She likes to hold him up, bend the brim of his hat back so his eyes are more fully exposed, and say, "See me! He see me, Daddy."

She sings along with me when I put her to sleep. "Take....out....Ball....GAME!...." And, "Misser Moon....MOON......pease.......down......me......HIDING.....na......TREE!"

I got her and Jack matching Christmas pajamas with monkeys in Santa hats on them. They love them, of course. Kate sleeps in a sleeper over her pajamas, but the other morning as soon as she saw Jack she remembered that she, too, had monkey pajamas on. So she said,

"Sleeper OFF, Daddy......See ma Monkeys!!!!!"

1 comment:

robin said...

see ma monkeys! wonderful