Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Catching up

Wow, it's been a while. So what's been going on?

- Kate was stick with a stomach flu over Easter. She couldn't do an Easter Egg hunt (which was indoor because it rained so much), so she sat on the couch while Jack searched around the house for eggs. He gave her all the pink and purple ones.

- Finding eggs was so much fun for Jack we continued to hide them, even emptied of candy, for the next two days, and then he did the same for us.

- Kate continued to be sick and drowsy until midday Monday. Then either because I kept giving her water in case she was dehydrated, or because Jack came home from school Monday afternoon, she suddenly made a dramatic improvement. She went from sleeping on the futon most of Monday morning to running around and playing with Jack Monday afternoon as if she'd never been sick. Seeing Jack made her happy and healthy, I sincerely believe it.

- Jack had his first T ball game on Saturday. I hustled him out of the house; didn't want to be late! He was probably more relaxed than I was. We walked to the park with him in his little ballcap, T-shirt, and glove. I snapped pictures as we walked. Went to the field where the game was supposed to be played. Everyone looked so big! They were; another team was playing there, with older kids. We walked to the actual field. The team did stretching exercises, Jack with a goofy grin on his face, and the game started. When he came up to bat, he high-stepped to the plate. My son, Deion Sanders? Got his hit -- everyone gets a hit in T ball -- and ran the bases, 90 feet at a time. Three innings of everyone on both teams batting, scoring, and then taking the field. Jack occupied the pitcher's mound, since he's one of the better fielders and most balls don't get out of the infield. Usually he ran to the ball. Occasionally he was looking in another direction. Two of his friends were on the other team; it's sort of like Major League Baseball thanks to free agency. After the game, all the kids slapped hands, and we headed off for ice cream, or at least a cookie.

- Jack had a trip to the doctor. I'm wondering, do all kids touch everything they see, or is it just mine? Bad enough he touches everything; worse at a place I'd rather he keep his hands jammed in his pockets the entire time. Anyway, he's very relaxed at the doctor. He climbed up on the table and stretched out like he was relaxing on the beach. Funny. We had to pick up a prescription, and as we waited in line at the pharmacy I had to constantly remind him not to touch everything.

- Kate's new favorite book is the second Harold and the Purple Crayon book, or the second one we have, Harold's A B Cs. She's taking an interest in words these days. "What does THAT say? And what does THAT say? And...."

- I finish the books when I read to Kate and she clambers over my lap, smiles at me, turns out the light, clambers back over me, and lies down. "Swing on a star?" she asks. Yup.

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