Saturday, December 01, 2012

25 Days of Blogging

Been slacking on this lately, so what better than the busiest time of year to write a blog every day for 25 consecutive days? If you don't have a goal, you won't try to achieve it. So here goes.

Today we rose at the ungodly hour of 5:30 so we could be out of the house before 7 to drive into New York City to see the 9 a.m. showing of the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular. Jack helpfully woke Kate up as soon as he was awake and fairly dragged her out of bed and down the stairs, then encouraged her to eat her breakfast faster. "Kate! C'mon!" Anyway we got out the door and drove into the city.

Made it to Radio City and immediately dropped a small fortune on a couple of Santa Claus stuffed toys and a program. Took some pictures with glowy lights in the background and then of Jack and Kate with a real live Rockette. They did a nice job of smiling. The Rockette, too!

The show was pretty great. There was a lame bit where a mother and daughter played a video game to save Christmas or something, which Jack enjoyed, but everything else was cool. Kate was enthralled, I think, by the dancing. Jack liked some of it, got weary of some of it. Granted, we were all up really early. There were marching soldiers and dancing Nutcracker characters and a whole lot of Santas. And ice skaters. We asked Kate what the best part was, and she said, "Everything!" Jack mentioned the video game and I believe the wooden soldiers, because they were pretty cool.

After the show we went on a quest for coffee/food for the kids. After somehow walking about 4-5 blocks in New York City without encountering a Starbucks (we'd see 3 on the way back to the car later that afternoon), we settled on the Cafe upstairs from the NBC Store. Yes, I suspect we're the only people who have ever gone into the NBC Store for the coffee and the black-and-white cookies, which were fantastic. Kids got hot chocolate, which they enjoyed once it was lukewarm. When do kids start to like hot beverages? 

We then went to the American Girl and Lego stores, with the idea being the kids would think of things they wanted and tell Santa. They could each pick one thing. Kate picked a doll, we made a note of it, and on the way out of the store she came up with a different one. Jack picked some giant Lego truck, then switched to a Harry Potter Diagon Alley set, also halfway out the door. So yeah, they'll get something and may or may remember which one it was that they wanted.

We had lunch at Ellen's Stardust Diner, this 50s diner type place with singing waitstaff. While we were there somebody sang Lady Gaga and this other woman did a pretty fantastic rendition of "Everything's Alright" from Jesus Christ Superstar. Great voice! The kids menu was for under 6-year-olds, so Jack had a big burger from the regular menu, same as me actually. Did a pretty good job eating the thing.

Made it home, watched Charlie Brown Christmas, ordered pizza. Kids were a little on the rambunctious/overtired side, or maybe that was us. Anyway, we trundled them off into bed and weren't far behind. Nice family day in the big city.

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